You Tube Channel
Welcome to Wrong Turns & Right Lessons – where real-life stories of unexpected setbacks transform into powerful lessons of resilience and growth.
In a world where vulnerability is often exploited, knowledge and understanding become the strongest defenses. Through experience, we learn that mistakes, failures, and betrayals are not just obstacles—they are opportunities to gain insight, build strength, and move forward with wisdom.
This is a space where challenges are dissected, lessons are shared, and the power of awareness helps prevent others from falling into the same traps. Every wrong turn holds the potential for a right lesson—one that arms us with the tools to protect ourselves, make informed decisions, and rise above the circumstances designed to hold us back.
In accordance with Australian guidelines, these videos features AI-generated imagery and narration based on true-to-life stories.
Unlike the negative noise from some critics down under, my stories come backed with dates, emails, claim numbers, and verifiable details.
I'm here to shine a light on what’s often swept under the carpet and to give voice to the real struggles we face.

I got scammed in an investment—what a disaster - Story
In the realm of cyber, we mode a digital dance,
While scammers await for a deceptive chance.
Clicks and clacks, the keyboard's creating deceit,
Into the online world where tricksters and victims meet.
A tempting offer, too good to be true,
A web of deception is waiting just for you.
Promises glitter like virtuous gold,
Yet behind the screen, the truth unfolds.
Ten thousand followers, only few are followed back.
Tells a story, that someone’s paid for the popularity hack.
Let me share a little clue,
How many people engage with you…
So, in the cyber haze, with eyes open wide,
Navigate cautiously, in this digital tide.
For hidden within the pixels and codes,
Is the data designed, only to erode.
When, the Phishing hooks draw you in,
pay heed to your emotion, as it’s a strategic win.
As you visually scroll, time after time,
Beware of the scams and the digital crime.
Linkin together is our only tool.
Don’t become like me, a cyber robbed fool.
Thank you very much for supporting my YouTube channel— This is a space where we share authentic stories of life's hardships and offer insights on how we navigated through them—if we did.
Psychologists and authors have developed ‘self-authoring’ programs that help individuals externalize what they're holding inside, allowing them to remove themselves from their trauma and view it objectively.
I carried my trauma—and still do—but I chose to write it down and share my perspectives. Unfortunately, I was criticized by those who should have supported me, and I couldn’t understand why they weren’t proud of my efforts to heal and become a better person. Can you relate to this?
Alone, I went on a journey of self help and personal development.
There are two aspects I hope you will consider with my YT channel:
First, when I read about other people’s experiences, it didn’t lessen my pain, but it did remind me that I am not alone—others have gone through, or are going through, similar challenges. And have navigated through them. Their, shared pain and experience made me feel human and not, so isolated.
Second, by writing down and organizing my own story, I was able to unpack my trauma. Sharing my experience has completely shifted my perspective, and I now feel hopeful that I may be able to help other, similar to myself.
By reading shared stories like the ones here at "Wrong Turns & Right Lessons," we see the efforts people made in their Wrong turns, to set life right, whenever possible. Sharing these experiences and lessons is truly a gift to others.

Twice Weekly Video Drops
Share Your Story
I want to hear your story—tell me about the hardships you’ve faced and how you navigated through them. What your ah-ha moments were, good, bad or indifferent and any key realizations from the injustice or hardship predicament. What your circumstance were. How did people react to your situation. Was there misconception? Was there any obstructions. Was there help? What was that Help. And, IF, you could change anything, what would that be?
You can share your story in writing or via a dictaphone/phone recording. I will rewrite your story and send you a YouTube version for approval before publishing. In the disclaimer, you'll find details about my intent to publish and my efforts to ensure transparency. I also plan to implement a clear financial management model. Please note that if you opt for both the YouTube and publishing aspects, there will be a significant delay before the book is published.
Please complete the contact form below.
While there is a disclaimer and legal modifications may be applied, please know that I'm fully committed to faithfully and respectfully sharing your story.
Let’s get real and help each other out. Kind Regards, Erika.
By submitting your story through this website, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:
Modification for Privacy:
Your submitted narrative may be edited, including the alteration of names, identifying details, and other personal characteristics, to protect your privacy and minimize the risk of defamation claims.
Publication Consent:
You grant permission for your modified story to be published on the YouTube channel "Wrong Turns & Right Lessons" and any other affiliated platforms. This publication is for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only.
Monetary Support:
Contributions made via "Buy Me a Coffee" or similar support channels are solely used to fund the growth and development of the channel, aimed at helping others through shared experiences. These contributions are made in good faith, with no obligation for return or compensation from the channel or its creators.
Good Faith & No Obligation:
All suggestions, offerings, and contributions are provided in good faith. The channel and its creators assume no obligation to reciprocate or provide compensation for any support, feedback, or submissions received.
Data Security & Usage:
We are committed to protecting your personal information. Your submitted data will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy and used exclusively for content creation, community engagement, and the growth of the channel. We take reasonable measures to ensure the security of your information.
By submitting your story, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to these terms. You also release the channel "Wrong Turns & Right Lessons" and its operators from any liability arising from the use or modification of your submission.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us through our the contact submission form.
Please note that all story submissions may be edited for privacy and legal purposes, and by submitting your story you consent to these modifications and grant permission for publication on "Wrong Turns & Right Lessons" You Tube Channel and related platforms.
Further, as this channel grows, I intend to compile and offer these stories in a book format.
Important Book Sales Details:
Separate Entity: Book sales are completely separate from the YouTube channel's operations and revenue.
Publishing & Profit Sharing: The books will be published through Amazon, unless a reputable publishing company presents an offer, ensuring transparency throughout the process. Profits from each book sale will be distributed equally among the story contributors of that specific book.
Fixed Fee: A fixed fee of $1.00 AUD per book sale will be deducted as compensation for the time, effort, and resources invested in compiling, editing, of the book. This fee is solely for my work in managing the project. Additional Publishing fees will be deducted.
Community Promotion: Active advertising, sharing, and engagement by contributors and supporters once the book is published will help boost sales. Your participation in promoting the book not only enhances its reach but also benefits every contributor.
Reporting & Payment: Aggregated sales figures will be published quarterly on our landing page, and payments to contributors will be issued within one week of the clearance of funds.
My aim is to help create a more transparent world—one where individuals support each other, are treated fairly, and are empowered by integrity and honesty rather than scams. I hold myself accountable to these principles and am committed to fostering hope and genuine support, especially for those who have experienced significant personal loss.
Erika B Armstrong
Want to help me?
These videos demand a great deal of time, effort, and energy. If you find value in what I create and would like to give back, please consider buying me a coffee—or even a couple. Your support means the world.
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